
DiaBetty, a finalist in the Alexa Diabetes Challenge, utilizes Amazon's Alexa platform as a diabetes coach and educator that is sensitive and responsive to the patient’s mood. It is designed to assist patients newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Given the issues of diabetes-related stress and the negative impact of depressive symptoms on type 2 diabetes, patients are in need of solutions to help manage diabetes in the context of their mood and lifestyle. Our system works by incorporating evidence-based methods for providing patients with context-specific diabetes education, guidance and support related to the domains of physical activity, healthy eating, medication use, glucose monitoring, and stress management. DiaBetty will also enhance patient skills for self-management and facilitate communication between patients and providers. 

DiaBetty will incorporate the following functions:
1. Diabetes education
2. Social support
3. Medication reminders
4. Healthy eating
5. Physical activity
6. Mindfulness
7. Care coordination